Why Dr. Reedy Prefers Silicone Gummy Breast Implants

So, what’s the best breast implant? This is a question we hear at our plastic surgery office every day! The choice depends on a number of individual factors, like your body type and your desired outcome. But, nine times out of ten, Dr. Brian Reedy prefers round, smooth-shelled, highly cohesive (“gummy”) breast implants. Here’s why.
Natural aesthetic outcomes
Dr. Reedy’s emphasis on achieving natural-looking and -feeling results is a key factor in his preference for silicone gummy implants. Their relatively lightweight gel texture closely mimics the feel of natural breast tissue, which is especially important if you have thinner skin or less natural breast tissue to cushion your implants.
Cohesive silicone breast implants are less likely to visibly ripple under the skin, making them ideal for patients with naturally small breasts.

Safety profile
Your safety is our first priority, and highly cohesive silicone implants have a solid track record in this regard—they have become a reliable choice for both patients and plastic surgeons. Today’s implants have a robust construction that maintains the implant’s shape, reducing cosmetic complications like rippling while also reducing the likelihood of rupture. In the event of a break, the highly cohesive silicone gel inside these implants tends to stay intact rather than leaking into the breast implant pocket.
Saline-filled breast implants, by contrast, leak and deflate in the event of a rupture, and their sterile saline solution is safely absorbed by the body. Some women may feel more comfortable with this option since a rupture will be readily apparent when their breast size decreases, so there is no risk of a “silent rupture.” Further, if you have silicone implants, the FDA recommends having them regularly scanned with ultrasound or MRI to check for ruptures after you have had your implants for 5-6 years; saline breast implants do not require these checks.
Still, extensive research and long-term studies have shown that silicone gel-filled implants are safe and effective. The FDA has rigorously evaluated and approved them for breast augmentation in women aged 22 and older, and women under 22 may receive these implants “off label” in many cases.
Smooth shell vs. textured shell
Silicone breast implant surfaces can be either smooth (like a balloon) or textured (like sandpaper). Textured implants have been associated with a rare cancer of the immune system, BIA-ALCL, so we generally prefer smooth-shelled implants—they also provide a better cosmetic outcome in most cases.
There are, however, specific cases where a form-stable, textured-surface implant is ideal to help patients achieve a natural-looking result. These implants have a specific shape, and thus a textured surface to help them stay in place and avoid rotation in the implant pocket. Patients receiving breast reconstruction after mastectomy, for example, may need a shaped implant to recreate a sloping breast shape.
Now offering new Motiva® breast implants!
Berks Plastic Surgery is one the first practices to offer the latest advancement in breast implant technology: Motiva® silicone breast implants. Motiva implants are FDA-approved and offer a more natural look and feel, as well as better safety monitoring. Learn more »
Size & profile options
Silicone gummy breast implants are available in a variety of sizes, from as few as 100 to as many as 800 ccs of volume. Implants also come in low profile, medium profile, and high profile, which dictates how much projection there is from the chest wall.
Customization is central to Dr. Reedy’s approach, so this versatility allows him to choose the right implants to achieve your desired volume and fullness. By carefully assessing your physique and discussing your desired outcomes, he can help you select an implant that harmonizes with your body, creating a balanced and aesthetically pleasing look. (Note that some patients with breast ptosis, or sagging, may require a breast lift at the same time as augmentation for more complete results.)
Make your choice in consultation with a plastic surgeonWhile silicone “gummy bear” breast implants offer many advantages, it’s important to note that no implant is perfect for every individual. The choice between different types of breast implants depends on various factors, including your body type, desired outcome, and personal preferences. A thorough consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon is crucial to determine the most suitable option for each individual.
When you’re ready to take the first step, call our Reading plastic surgery office at 610-320-0200 or fill out our online contact form below.